
Mindfulness [mahynd-fuh l-nis] noun: a technique in which one focuses one's full attention only on the present, experiencing thoughts, feelings, and sensations but not judging them. Judge [juhj] verb: to infer, think, or hold as an opinion; conclude about or assess. Opinion [uh-pin-yuh n) noun: a belief or judgement that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. Insufficient [in-suh-fish-uh nt] adjective: deficient in force, quality, or amount; inadequate. Quality [kwol-i-tee] noun: character or nature, as belonging to or distinguishing a thing. Thing [thing] noun: some entity, object, or creature that is not or cannot be specifically designated or precisely described. Object [ob-jikt] noun: a thing, person, or matter to which thought or action is directed. Person [pur-suh n] noun: a human being, whether an adult or child. Child [chahyld] noun: a person between birth and full growth; a boy or girl. Growth [grohth] noun: the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase. Process [pros-es] noun: a systematic series of actions directed to some end. End [end] noun: a point, line, or limitation that indicates the full extent, degree, etc., of something; limit; bounds. Something [suhm-thing] noun: Informal. a person or thing of some value or consequence. Of [uhv] preposition: (used to indicate apposition or identity). Identity [ahy-den-ti-tee] noun: the sense of self, providing sameness and continuity in personality over time. Self [self] noun: the uniting principle, as a soul, underlying all subjective experience. Subjective [suh b-jek-tiv] adjective: existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective). Objective [uh b-jek-tiv]: of or relating to something that can be known, or to something that is an object or part of an object; existing independent of thought or an observer as part of reality.


Mindfulness [mahynd-fuh l-nis] noun: a technique in which onfocuses one's full attention only on the present, experiencing thoughts, feelings, and sensations but not judging them. Judge [juhj] verb: to infer, think, or hold as an opinion; conclude about or assess. Opinion [uh-pin-yuh n) noun: a belief or judgement that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. Insufficient [in-suh-fish-uh nt] adjective: deficient in fo rce, quality, or amount; inadequate. Quality [kwol-i-tee] noun: character or nature, as belonging to or distinguishing a thing. Thing [thing] noun: some entity, object, or creature that is not or cannot be specifically designated or precisely described. Object [ob-jikt] noun: a thing, person, or matter to which thought or action is directed. Person [pur-suh n] noun: a human being, whether an adult or child. Child [chahyld] noun: a person between birth and full growth; a boy or girl. Growth [grohth] noun: the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase. Process [pros-es] noun: a systematic series of actions directed to some end. End [end] noun: a point, line, or limitation that indicates the full extent, degree, etc., of something; limit; bounds. Something [suhm-thing] nounInformal. a person or thing of some value or consequence. Of [uhv] preposition: (used to indicate apposition or identity). Identity [ahy-den-ti-tee] noun: the sense of self, providing sameness and continuity in personality over time. Self [self] noun: the uniting principle, as a soul, underlying all subjective experience. Subjective [suh b-jek-tiv] adjective: existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective). Objective [uh b-jek-tiv]: of or relating to something that can be known, or to something that i s an object or part of an object; existing independent of thought or an observer as part of reality.

i noticsullenly the present, piecing thoughts, feelings, and sensations to dine on the brain unable to produce complete certainty. I dive into reality, or adequately linear belonging to some entity creation specifically designed or precisely described. nothing, no matter to which thought or action it Prays be full; the act of growing opens Processes unified limitation cant defineI form value Of prepositioned indication denying sameness in personality or time. the uniting principle, a soul, drills tiers existing in the mind longing to be the object of thought. i fear that i see independent observers of reality.

Photo by Brent Cox on Unsplash

Definitions by Dictionary.com


  1. Updated: Part III (lyrics from part II isolated)

  2. i gatta say, this is so freakin cool. I love how you mixed analogous poetry and black out/cross out poetry to form this beautiful piece. I have been thinking a lot this semester about how beautiful poetry is often a puzzle of thought on the side of the poet and a riddle to be solved for the reader (though of course they have a guiding hand) and i find this poem really demonstrates a microcosm of that reality. The first part i found incredibly brilliant in your continuously defining aspects of previous definitions that led to, though clearly separate statements and not one united whole, a truly beautiful poem independently as well as holistic. I love how you carried that further and showed how these definitions that were clearly connected where actually the limbs to make one true body of a beautiful poem that is both philosophical and well said (especially under the limitations you were confined to). I appreciate youre adding the third part because i was personally having trouble making out the words in the second. The only really critique i have is that at some point in the second/third part the wording is so dense i lose track f the message. Specifically at "nothing, no matter to which thought or action it Prays be full; the act of growing opens Processes unified limitation cant define: I form value Of prepositioned indication denying sameness in personality or time."
    overall a truly brilliant piece, displaying the true thought and depth that goes into high quality poetry.


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